Saturday, December 13, 2008

Basketball Game Planning Instructions

Jigs for Building the Basketball Game

The following jigs are essential to the production of the Basketball Game for the Toy Making Program of the RCWA.

Part Number SK001
Dowel Holes/Launcher Jig
Drill dowel holes in base and back board
Drill/assemble launcher to base

Hoop and Backboard Jig
Drill/assemble hoop to back board

Launcher Slot Jig
Jig for cutting 5 degree slot in launcher using band saw

String Cutter Jig
Cut string to length

Hoop Hole Jig
Drill hole in hoop

Final Assembly Jig
Assemble/align the backboard/dowel/base

Basketball Hole Jig
Drill holes in basketball

Hoop Routing Jig
Route the outside edges of the hoop
Basketball String Glue-up Holding Fixture
Used to glue string in basketball

the end

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Toy Distribution - Dec 9, 2008

Many thanks to all the elves who helped build toys for the RCWA toy program this year!

200 Toys were presented to the Club for Boys on Tuesday, Dec 9, 2008.

ELVES representing the RCWA: Lon, Bob, Roger and Rick

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Monday, December 8, 2008

RCWA - December 2008 General Meeting

The sixth regular meeting of the RCWA was held at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church in Rapid City on a cold blustery Monday night Dec 8, 2008.



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Saturday, December 6, 2008

Preparation for Toy Distribution - Dec 5, 2008

On December 5, 2008, several members of the RCWA met at SPLinters to sort toys into boxes for distribution to recipients.

This year's recipients include the CLUB for BOYS, Benji's House, and WAVI. A total of 275 handmade wooden toys will be distributed.

The toys will be delivered on Tuesday Dec 9, 2008.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Toy Workshop - Nov 29, 2008

The seventh RCWA toy workshop of 2008 was held at SPLinters at 9 am on Saturday Nov 29th, 2008.

Jig for cutting 2" hole in basketball hoop.

Basketball games recently sanded with 400 grit and now ready for final spray laquer finish.

Harley - putting 3/16" roundover edge on basketball games bases.

Race cars - final spray laquer finish has been applied - cars are ready for kids.

Kathie - brushing sanding sealer on basketball games.

Potential FUTURE product line.

Next toy workshop will be in January 2009. Watch for details.

the end

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Toy Workshop - Nov 22, 2008

The 6th RCWA Toy Workshop of 2008 was held at SPLinters on Nov 22, 2008 from 9 am to noon. We are winding down the major part of our toymaking for this year. The projects we started six weeks ago are nearing completion. Several members are now starting to build and test toys for next year.

This workshop brought the completion of the car line for this year. The last seven cars were sanded in prep for sanding sealer. Thirty race cars were assembled and ready for the final finish coat of spray laquer.

Parts for basketball games were final sanded in preparation for setting up the initial low rate production line run. Twenty three basketball games were assembled by a team of five woodworkers in less than two hours. Due to some parts shortages, we were unable to complete the remaining ten games. This project was very beneficial in learning the challenges of a real production line. Everyone contributed to this project.

Plans for documenting the details of our production processes for each toy type are in the works. This blog will be the media used to record the information.

the end

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Toy Workshop - 15 Nov 2008

The fifth toy workshop of the RCWA was held on Saturday Nov 15th, 2008 at the SPLinters Woodshop. The tractors are all completed, several heart boxes are done, more than 2/3 of the cars are done, and all the basketball game parts are cut out and ready for assembly.

Today, we completed the assembly of 52 cars, completed sanding of 35 racers, and prepared the remainder of the parts for the baskeball game. Six jigs were required to build the basketball game. The last jig was being tested today, in preparation for assembly of the first basketball games later this week.

Ron drilled holes in basketball backboards . . . . Dan routed roundovers on basketball bases.

Rick assembled the last jig (SK106) for basketball game assembly.

Dan edge sanded the basketball bases . . . . . . . Ron and Kathie put wheels on cars.

Gary ( aka SuperSander) does hand sanding on race cars . . . . . . . Ron put wheels on cars.

Kathie prepared cars for final finish . . . . . Dan put roundovers on basketball game parts.

The next toy workshop will be held at Splinters on Nov 22, 2008 from 9 am til done.

the end

Monday, November 10, 2008

RCWA - November 2008 General Meeting

The November 2008 general meeting of the RCWA was held at SPLinters Woodshop at 7 pm on Nov 10, 2008.





ROSEWOOD VALET..................................................... HICKORY/ASH BREADBOARDS


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