Jigs for Building the Basketball Game
The following jigs are essential to the production of the Basketball Game for the Toy Making Program of the RCWA.
The following jigs are essential to the production of the Basketball Game for the Toy Making Program of the RCWA.
Part Number SK001
Dowel Holes/Launcher Jig
Drill dowel holes in base and back board
Drill/assemble launcher to base
Hoop and Backboard Jig
Drill/assemble hoop to back board
Launcher Slot Jig
Jig for cutting 5 degree slot in launcher using band saw
String Cutter Jig
Cut string to length
Final Assembly Jig
Assemble/align the backboard/dowel/base
Final Assembly Jig
Assemble/align the backboard/dowel/base
Basketball Hole Jig
Drill holes in basketball
Hoop Routing Jig
Hoop Routing Jig
Route the outside edges of the hoop
Basketball String Glue-up Holding Fixture
the end