It was a very productive day for the RCWA Toy Workshop held on July 10th, 2010 at the RCWA Shop in the basement at 910 WOOD AVE in Rapid City, SD.
Attendees included Harley, Rick, Kathie, Bob, Lon and Gary.
Kathie did the final sanding on a run of 97 cars. So with a recent gift of lots of WHEELS and AXLES, Lon, Harley, and Rick were able to assemble about 125 cars, now ready for final finishing. Gary organized the toys in our current inventory, showing that we have completed 187 cars and trucks.
Bob handled the flow of materials and finished products, as well as the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), ensuring that all cars had all their axle holes drilled and that the wheels on assembled units were still turning.
Six boxes of animal cutouts, animal puzzles, turtle banks, and various other toys that were prepared and cut from stock by Roger were passed out to be sanded and then will be returned to the next workshop.