Sunday, November 22, 2015

Woodworkers Article - RCJ - Pages C1 and C6

Notice:  Checkout the article on pages C1 and C6 of the 11-22-2015 Rapid City Journal for a story about the Toy Program.  Journal Freelance Writer Jennifer Jungwirth did an excellent job in depicting the story of the Toymakers of the Rapid City Woodworkers Association.

This front page photo features the hands of Rollie Lynde - he is making toys in Oct 2015 outside the shop at the Club for Boys in Rapid City, SD.

Here's a link to the front page teaser and the entire article:

Here's a link directly to the RCJ Website for the article and pictures:


Click on the link below to learn more about the Rapid City Woodworkers Association activities on the main page of the website:

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Monday, November 16, 2015

SS SIG - Nov 19th, 2015

A Scroll Saw Special Interest Group (SS SIG) meeting was held at Rick Weisbeck's shop at 7 pm on Thursday evening, Nov. 19th, 2015.


Rick Weisbeck, Danny Green, Darwin Buus, Ed Pike , Kathie Buchanan, Bob Buchanan

We discussed Mary Weisbeck's latest intarsia project: the teddy heart bear.  

We discussed how to make compound cuts to make flowers for a small jewelry box.  Rick passed out plans for the project.

We discussed how to cut snowflake earrings from 1/16" stock using a "#2 ought" blade.  

We discussed techniques of relief cutting - cut a simple example of tree for a table setting as a sample. 

All members are welcome to attend these “scroll saw focused” get-togethers.  The next SS SIG will be on December 17th at Rick’s Shop at 7 pm.


Click on the link below to learn more about the Rapid City Woodworkers Association activities on the main page of the website:

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Wood Recovery - Walnut Tree

Wood Recovery of Walnut Tree - Referred by Rollie Lynde - Donation from David Hagel

Dave Hagel, PE
Hagel's Tree Service & Property Care, LLC
8781 Sheridan Lake Road
Rapid City, SD 57702

Thank you Rollie for talking to Dave.  Thank you Dave for your contribution to our group.  

Dave Hagel loaded the walnut logs into Lon Gose's trailer during the week of 11-7-2015.  Smaller branches were cut for turning and distributed to several members at the Toy Workshop.  Then after some research into sawmillers in the area, Lon Gose transported the heavy walnut trees to Larry Kellogg's mill in Spearfish, SD for further recovery efforts.  (11-13-2015)  


Click on the link below to learn more about the Rapid City Woodworkers Association activities on the main page of the website:

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Sunday, November 15, 2015

Toy Workshop - 11-14-2015 - FINAL DAY OF TOYMAKING for 2015!

Just a reminder that we will be having a Toy Workshop on Saturday from 9 to noon at the Shop at the Club Boys.  This will be our last workshop for 2015.  See you there!

Attendees Today (13):  Danny Green, Ron Fisher, Al Oines, Julian Wigen, Rollie Lynde, Harley Schmadeke, Bel Felix, Bob and Kathie Buchanan, Frank DiCesare, Grant Coffin, Gary Graves, and Rick Weisbeck.

Tasks done to prepare for this workshop
1.  Cut plexi-glass circles for Turtle Banks.  Drill holes for brass nails.
2.  Tugboats - spray with final lacquer finish. 
3.  Ring Toss Games - cut to size, round over both ends, drill hole in top end.
4.  Tractors - cut, sand, assemble and spray all parts.

Tasks Today:
1.  Install string/ring assemblies to Ring Toss Games.  Pack each game into zip-lock bags.
2.  Pack up completed Ring Toss Games.
3.  Secure plexi-glass circles to Turtle Banks with brass nails. 
4.  Pack turtle banks into boxes.
5.  Install large and small wheels on tractors.
6.  Pack tractors into boxes.
7.  Sand edges of tugboats with wet-dry sandpaper.
8.  Pack tugboats into boxes.

Ring Toss Games

Tractor Final Assembly Line


Turtle Banks Final Assembly

Tugboats - Final Sanding Operation

Rick Wins!

The one who goes  home with the most boxes of toys - WINS!

(11-14-2015)  Items completed today
Total of 291 toys were completed today including Tugboats, Tractors, Ring Toss Games, and Turtle Banks.  All items were packed and moved to storage.  

This brings our total count for toys in inventory to:  2,578.  This includes 167 toys left over from last year.  Total toys made this year:  2, 411.

Tasks to do before next workshop:


Congratulations to all of the elves who made sacrifices of schedules and energy throughout the last twelve months to make it possible to complete this very worthwhile project for 2015!  Thank you for donating your time and resources to make this happen!

See you on Dec 5th for Toy Packing Day!


Click on the link below to learn more about the Rapid City Woodworkers Association activities on the main page of the website:

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Sunday, November 8, 2015

General Meeting - Nov 9, 2015

Just a reminder that we will have our November General Meeting this evening at 7 pm at 910 Wood Ave in Rapid City, SD.  See you there!  Bob B

PS - Newsletter - check this link:






Click on the link below to learn more about the Rapid City Woodworkers Association activities on the main page of the website:

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Toy Workshop 11-7-2015

Looking ahead to Nov 7th - toy workshop in morning, TOOL SALE at Julian's Shop from 1 to 5 pm.  Lots of good clean tools for sale at very reasonable prices.  Everything must go!


Just a reminder that we will be having a Toy Workshop on Saturday from 9 to noon at the Shop at the Club Boys.  See you there!


Attendees Today (15):  Lauree and Darwin Buus, Steve Larson, Danny Green, Richard Rasmussen, Al Oines, Ed Pike, Lon Gose, Rollie Lynde, Harley Schmadeke, Bob and Kathie Buchanan, Grant Coffin, Gary Graves, and Rick Weisbeck.

Tasks done to prepare for this workshop
1.  Cut posts for basketball games.  Install in bases with wedges.  Spray games.
2.  Prepare/sew more small critter bags and block bags.
3.  Finish cutting, routering, and sanding 270 small blocks and 270 large blocks for block bags.
4.  Tugboats - fabricate cabins, sand, assemble, sand.
5.  Ring Toss Games - turn handles on lathe.
6.  Chalk Boards - paint with chalk paint, install string and chalk, attach cutesy to corner.

Items received today:
1. Chalk boards - complete and ready for packaging and packing.
2.  Basketball game sub-assemblies - sprayed with final finish, ready for final assembly.
3.  Blocks - 270 small, 270 large.
4.  Block bags
5.  Critter bags
6.  Tugboats - 100 - assembled, sanded, ready for final finish spray.
7.  Ring Toss Games - handles are completed and will be delivered on Monday at General Meeting.

Tasks Today:
1.  Install string/ball assemblies to Basketball Game bases with 1/8" dowel, using launching spoon as guide for length of string.
2.  Install hoop sub-assemblies to post on base sub-assemblies, use glue.
3.  Test each Basketball Game with test spoon.
4.  Secure two spoons to each Basketball Game.
5.  Pack up completed Basketball Ball games into Boxes.
6.  Place remaining completed critters in cloth bags.  Pack bags into boxes.
7.  Place blocks into blocks bags:  10 large and 10 small per bag.  Pack bags into boxes.
8.  Place completed chalkboards into zip lock bags.
9.  Pack chalkboards into boxes.

Final Adjustments to Blocks

Basketball Game Assembly Line

Spoon Sculpturing

Block touch-ups

Test Area

Packing Area

Pegging the String/Ball sub-assemblies to the Bases

27 bags of Blocks (540 Blocks)

The Elf Gang

(11-7-2015)  Items completed today
202 -  toys including Basketball Games, Block Bags, Critter bags, Chalk Boards.  All items were packed and moved to storage.  
Storage Facility is shrinking

Other items still in work but nearing completion for the 2015 toy delivery include:
1.  Turtle Banks -          50 - attach plexi-glass circles to each turtle bank with brass nails.
2.  Tugboats      -         100 - final spraying to do.
3.  Tractors       -         100 - assemble and spray.
4.  Ring Toss Games -   35 - final assembly and spraying to do.
            Total              285

Tasks to do before next workshop:

1.  Sand a half box of Large Oldies, then seal and finish.
2.  Cut axles to length for Large Oldies.
3.  Prepare Plexiglas rounds for turtle banks.
4.  Tugboats - spray final finish.
5.  Tractors - assemble and spray.
6.  Ring Toss - add string/balls to handles.

Click on the link below to learn more about the Rapid City Woodworkers Association activities on the main page of the website:

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