Saturday, January 28, 2017

Toy Workshop - First for 2017 - Jan 28, 2017

It was a record day for the Rapid City Woodworkers Association Toy Program - not only the first toy making event for 2017 - but the highest attended event ever!

Attendees (29):  Al Oines, Ed Pike, Danny and Mary Green, Rollie Lynde, Bob and Kathie Buchanan, Lon Gose, Julian Wigen, Paul Douglas, Gary Graves, Grant Coffin, Darwin and Lauree Buus, Rick Weisbeck, Steve Larson, Ron Fisher, Bel Felix, Jerry Norsen, Paul Douglas, Gary Graves, Harley Schmadeke, Richard Rasmussen, Jerry Hood, and Steve Larson.  Those new to the program who came today included Mary Jo Anderson, Ken Maron, Don, and Kevin Gregg.

Because this was the first toy making workshop for 2017, the plan for the day was tracing.  Steve Larson brought in a truck load of lumber received from Dakota Craft and planed down by Steve in his shop.  We traced toy patterns on 2x4s, 2x6s, and 1" popular.  Over 750 toys were traced on the planed stock today including helicopters, racers, amoeba cars, duck push toys, tractors, turtle banks, medium sized oldies, airplanes, crayon vans and mini-vans.   By noon, we had only 8 short pieces of 2x4 stock left, and all 2x6 stock was used.

The 2x4s and 2x6s were then cut down to blanks the size of each toy using miter saws.  The blanks were then put in boxes, labelled and stacked.

Rick Weisbeck traced tractor patterns onto the 1" popular stock.  He completed over 100 tractor bodies and brought them home to cut on his scroll saw.  Previous to this workshop, he had traced and cut out over 100 airplane fuselages.  And just for the record, over 50 TURTLE BANKS that were traced were taken home by Rick to hole-saw cut the 2 3/4" centers of the banks.

Several members took boxes of blanks home to start work on finishing them.  Members taking home boxes of toy blanks included Lon, Don, Jerry, Rollie, Ken, Darwin, Jerold, Ed, Danny and Rick.

Danny and Mary loaded up the 1" pine donated to us by the Club for Boys that we have been storing in Danny and Mary's RV Barn over the winter, and brought into the workshop.  Over 500 small critters were traced onto this 1" pine.  This included ten sets each of the small animals set, fish set, farm set 1 and 2, jungle set 1 and 2, and fifteen sets of the wild animals set.  To complete the tracing of the critters, we will need to procure a supply of larger pieces of 1" pine.

Danny and Mary also brought in the supply of poplar block stock and transferred them to Paul Douglas who will be milling and sanding them in his shop for the BLOCKS BAGS.

Darwin brought in scrap masonite to use for making new patterns.  Rollie, Bob and Steve cut and glued the paper patterns to the masonite, and Ed Pike cut the patterns out on a Scroll saw during the workshop.  Most of these patterns will be used at the next workshop in February.

Gary Graves spent his January working in his shop, and so brought in 43 helicopters that are ready for wheels and rotors to be installed and for final spray finish.

The next workshop is planned for Feb 11, 2017.  Hope to see you then!


Click on the link below to learn more about the Rapid City Woodworkers Association activities on the main page of the website:

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Sunday, January 22, 2017

Scroll Saw Special Interest Group - Jan 19, 2017

This is just a reminder that Rick will be hosting the Scrollsaw Special Interest Group on Thursday Jan 19th, 2017, at 7 pm at Rick's shop.  Hope to see you there!  Bob B


Click on the link below to learn more about the Rapid City Woodworkers Association activities on the main page of the website:

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Friday, January 13, 2017

General Meeting - Jan 9, 2017

The January General Meeting of the RCWA was held on Monday Jan 9th at 7 pm at 910 Wood Ave in Rapid City, SD.  The agenda for the meeting was as follows:

1.       Guests/new members

2.       Treasurer’s Report- Reminder about Dues – $25/year

3.       Sign-in / Email / Newsletter Check / Blog

a.       Membership application online – will update for 2017 (Bob)

4.       Upcoming Events

a.       Jan 2017 General Meeting – Monday Jan 9th, 2017 – at 7 pm at 910 Wood Ave

b.       SS SIG – Thursday Jan 19th – Rick Weisbeck’s Shop – 7 pm

c.       Toy Workshops:  Jan 14th and 28th at Shop at Club for Boys

5.       Next Month’s General Meeting

a.       Date:  Feb 13th – at 7 pm at 910 Wood Ave

b.       Refreshments Person(s):  _________________________

6.       Events since last meeting (Report/Feedback/Discussion)

a.       Annual Family Christmas Potluck – feedback?

7.       Topics for Discussion

a.       General Meetings:  Any interest in demo/speaker at general meetings?

b.       Election of 2017 Officers – if you would like to help on a committee or run for office, please call the nominating committee (consisting of all current officers)

c.       Wood Sale/Clean up of wood at Danny’s RV Barn – time, details

d.       Extracurricular Events – match up events to monthly dates – see Table 3 on Page 3

e.       WW Show for 2017

                                                                                                               i.      Knecht Home Center has requested April timeframe - April 22nd

                                                                                                             ii.      WW Show – Suggestions – display area for projects made from the walnut tree

                                                                                                            iii.      WW Show – pick a theme for 2017

f.        TOY PROGRAM

                                                                                                               i.      Any suggestions for New Toys to add for 2017?

                                                                                                             ii.      Production Control:
                                                               iii.      Quality Control
                                                                iv.      Product Lines - Tasks available for 2017 Toymaking

1. Toy Program Toys (21 categories)

2. Parts Preparation – such as wheels, axles, etc.

3. Vans

4. Love Bugs

5. CFB Racers

8.       Woodworking Display Cases

a.       Dakota Star Credit Union

b.       AARP office at the Rushmore Mall – lease still okay.

9.       Wood Recovery Project

10.   Future Discussions

11.   SHOW and TELL

Table 1 - Schedule Of Monthly Events For 2017

General Meetings – see Table 2 for presentation details
910 Wood Ave, Rapid City, SD
Second Monday of the Month, 7 pm to 9 pm
Scroll Saw Special Interest Group
6704 Kimberly Dr,  Black Hawk, SD
Third Thursday of the Month, 7 pm to 9 pm
Toy Making Workshop – Parts Milling and Toy Assembly
Shop at The Club for Boys; 320 N 4th Street, Rapid City, SD
Two Saturdays per month – dates announced by EMAIL
Extra Curricular Activities
Various Locations - See Table 3 – pg 3
See Table 3 on page 3


Click on the link below to learn more about the Rapid City Woodworkers Association activities on the main page of the website:

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