Exceptional weather returned to the Black Hills by the weekend, so the March Monthly meeting of the RCWA was held on March 16th, 2009, at 7 pm at the Our Redeemer Lutheran Church in Rapid City.
Roger Bares shared his completed clock projects made from walnut, cherry, maple, and ash.
Wes Murphey showed us some of his latest turnings, including his bacote shaver and brush, a bowl made from poplar and walnut, and a display case of walnut and ? .
Details of the upcoming first annual RCWA Woodworking Show were discussed at tonight's meeting. Members volunteered for setting up, working, and tear down of the Turning Demonstrations and the Scrollsawing Demonstrations. We finalized plans for displaying member's projects and asked members to bring them to the church by 11 am. The Show will be open to the public from noon til 4 pm. After the show, members and their families will chow down at a potluck supper.
the end