Friday, February 5, 2010

Toy WORKSHOP - Jan 23, 2010

We trekked through the snowbank again for our second workshop of the year. We brought in 2" stock for cars and trucks, and 1" stock for animal cutouts. We traced cars and got started on our Dinosaur run for the animal cutouts for the 2010 Christmas gifts.

Gary Graves brought in some new designs for cars, plus some modified designs that will fit better on 2 x 4 stock. Grant Coffin has started building small cradles which will hold small dolls and can be turned over to use as a stool for kids.
Ron Dolin took home a box of 2 x 4 cutoffs from a recent framing job to trace out small sized cars and a few buses. Lon Gose and Rick Weisbeck took home boxes of rough cut cars to sand, cut windows, and round over the edges.
Roger Bares was working in his shop making turtle banks, tractor bodies, animal cutouts and puzzles. He is in need of some 3" x 3" x 2" stock to start the Heart Boxes.
the end