Monday, February 10, 2014

Feb 2014 General Meeting of the RCWA 2-10-2014

Our February 2014 General Meeting of the RCWA was held in Rapid City at 910 Wood Ave tonight from 7 pm to 9 pm.  Attendees participated in Election of Officers for 2014 as well as discussions of a theme for the upcoming Woodworking Show to be held in May at the Knecht Home Center.  The current status of the toymaking program was presented.  In only three Saturday morning workshops, we have nearly completed tracing the 1200 wheeled vehicles for 2014.  There is still much work to be done, but we are getting more and more efficient every year.  We also completed the tracing of 400 race cars to be shaped and finished by the kids at the Club for Boys for their two pinewood races planned this year.

Attendees at tonight's meeting included Rick, Kathie, Julian, Steve, Wes, Lon, Richard, and Bob.
The slate of officers presented to the votees was unanimously approved.

Officers for 2014 will be:
Bob Buchanan - President
Rick Weisbeck - Vice-President
Harley Schmadeke - Secretary (with Frank DiCesare - Backup)
Julian Wigen - Treasurer

Show and Tell, accompanied by Chocolate Coca-Cola Cake provided by Richard Rasmussen, closed out the meeting.

Prototype vehicles from Bel's model shop.
More Prototypes from Bel's Shop.  Also a recycled
 pair of busses joined to make a Monster Bus.

Framed Feather!

Bowl by Juilian

Train by Rick Weisbeck

Bees Wax - Carnoba Wax

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the end