Attendees (16): Danny and Mary Green, Bob and Kathie Buchanan, Jerry Hood, Ralph Brethauer, Paul Douglas, Rick Weisbeck, Richard Rasmussen, Mary Jo Anderson, Ken Maron, Harley Schmadeke, Lon Gose, Frank DiCesare, and Darwin and Lauree Buus.
Critters - sand flat sides and router edges with trim routers on tables
Sanding - toys with Rigid Sander
Routering - edges of toys with round-over bits
Sanding - toys by hand after sealed
Installing wheels on toys - two wheel presses set up
Installing rotors on new small helicopters
Inventory of completed toys: count/label/record/box up
Photos from today's Toy Workshop:
Toys packaged for Inventory today: 272 Subtotal to date: 884.
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