Our third Toy Workshop (TWS) for 2022 on held on Saturday Feb 19, 2022,
from 9 to noon. This was at the Wood
Shop at 910 Wood Ave in Rapid City. The
shop is in the basement of the annex to Our Redeemer Lutheran Church.
We continued our 2022 Toy Build with Tracing and Boxing of blanks. Tools of the day were miter saws, sharp pencils, awls, and a packing of blanks into paper boxes. Ron and Rick visited Western Stationers last week and picked up a truck load of empty boxes for our use. They had been stockpiling them for us. Thank you Western Stationers!
Lauree Buus brought in a half dozen boxes from her sources as well. Thank you Lauree!
Attending today (15): Rollie,
Ken, Julian, Harley, Bob, Kathie, Rick, Mary G, Nick, Don, Darwin,
Lauree, Lon, John, and Frank.
Activities included tracing toys, cutting into individual blanks,
boxing and tagging. A total of 571 toys
were traced using 25 patterns. This
brings our running total of traced toys to 1,157 + 571 = 1728. This is more than 90% of the toys that can be
traced for this year. At our next toymaking workshop we will commence stage 2 with cutting to shape, sanding, routering and drilling.
For more information, go to www.rapidcitywoodworkers.com.