Tasks in work this week to prepare for the next workshop:
Touch up a group of tanker trucks
Enlarge holes in back boards to 5/32" for attaching hardware.
Attach hoops to backboards, first with glue and clamps
And secondly with 1 1/4" #6 screws
Take these to the workshop ready to attach to the bases with posts assembled at the last official Toy Workshop on 11.5.22.
Seal a box of toys and the Jewelry Box tops
Put final tweaks/adjustments on Caravan hitches and touch up the hitches with shellac.
Spray jewelry boxes with lacquer spray.
Spray backboards/hoops (60), with shellac.
Spray Wheeled vehicles
A spraying video:
Hand sand (220 grit) the Jewelry Box tops: then spray with lacquer (3 coats)
Touch up a few toys
They are now ready to be packed and put in to inventory. Bring to the workshop.
Seal all the parts of the Rocking Chairs before assembly:
1. Rocking Chairs. Seal all parts for the Rocking Chairs (Done). Sand after sealing. Apply poly rub on parts before assembly as the final finish. Then assemble (Rick).
2. Wheeled toys. Spray final finish on about 5 boxes of toys using water based polyurethane (Done). Bring to workshop for installing wheels.
3. Cradles. Frank has all parts and is currently assembling the cradles. Will then need sealing and hand sanding and finishing with polyrub.
4. Jewelry Boxes. Put final spray on the boxes (Done). Put poly rub on top edges of boxes. Sand the tops and put final finish on tops (Done). Put felt in the boxes (Lauree). Put a necklace in each box. Rubber band the top and box together.
5. Basketball Games. Seal the back boards of 60 games (Done). Attach hoop sub-assemblies to posts of 40 games with glue. Attach strings/balls to 100 games. Pack up with spoons.
It's the end of another busy week. And we finished all tasks. Yay!!!
For more information, go to www.rapidcitywoodworkers.com.