We held our ninth Toy Workshop (TWS) for 2023 on Saturday May 27, 2023, from 9 am to 12. This was held at the Wood Shop at 910 Wood Ave in Rapid City. The shop is in the basement of the annex to Our Redeemer Lutheran Church. This was a regularly scheduled Rapid City Woodworkers Association (RCWA) workshop and held on the fourth Saturday of the month.
Today's Activities:
We traced a straggler today: tugboat hulls. Tracers today were Kathie, Grant and Patsy.
Other activities today including drilling windows, drilling holes for axle pegs, and cutting toys to shape using scrollsaws (Jerry, Ed, Rick, Nick, Russ, and Darwin).
Harley, Keith, Rick and Nick put blades on the new simple miniature helicopters.
Activities outside included cutting toys to shape on the bandsaw and sanding toys with the Rigid sanders and Jet spindle sander.
As a result of all previous activities with cutting and drilling, we still have a good backlog of rough sanding, routering of edges, and finish sanding (with mouse sanders) left to do. Several boxes of toys are ready to be sealed. Only a few boxes of 2" toys + almost all critters need to be cut to shape. There are 16 boxes of toys ready for finish spraying.
Attendees (23) included Lon, Keith, Al, Rick, Maggie, Jim, Jerry, Patsy, Russ, Ed, Denni, Ken, Kathie, Bob, Nick, Harley, Darwin, Laurie, Don, Mary Jo, Grant, Julian, and Tony.
Photos from the workshop: