Attendees (20) included Lon, Ed, Ken, Jerry, Patsy, Kathie, Bob, Grant, Jim Brown, Mary Jo, Julian, Harley, Nick, Darwin, Lauree, Rick, John, Denni, Gary, and Stu.
Today's Activities:
Here was the plan for the day:
Tasks handled today included cutting toys to shape using scrollsaws. Ed and Darwin and Jerry cut critters and hippos.
John, Harley, Julian, Grant and Nick put wheels on numerous toys. Wheeled vehicles included locomotives, Puppy Dogs, Racers with drivers, airplanes, and a bus. We used the last peg of the first 6,000 run today. Paul Douglas will be painting the next 3,000 pegs this week.
Nick built more airplanes today by attaching the wing to the fuselage of several more planes.
Kathie, Patsy and Mary Jo hand sanded a large number of toys, moving them on to the spraying area at Bob's shop. Turtle Banks are ready for plexiglass windows and were given to Rick. Ladders are ready to be attached to firetrucks. Batman racers, Jeeps, Helicopters, Lightning McQueen racers, Paddle Games, and a box off blocks.are all ready for the next step.
Ken, Rick, Lon, and Stu worked on toys outside - routering and sanding the edges of toys. Lauree expedited the flow of toys around the production line today.
Grant and Jim Brown explored the world of braided string and 1" wooden balls related to paddle games, cup and ball games, and basket ball games. Their goal is 200 string and ball subassemblies..
As a result of all previous activities this year with cutting and drilling, we are currently rough sanding, routering of edges, and finish sanding. Only a couple of boxes of critters are available for cutting to shape.
After today, there are five boxes of toys ready for finish spraying. Four boxes of toys are ready to be sealed.