The workshop was held Saturday October 24th, 2009, in the RCWA Shop in the basement of Our Redeemer Lutheran Church at 910 Wood Ave from 9 am to noon. Call Bob Buchanan at 348-2865 or Roger Bares at 484-3498 for any questions.
If you want to help build and assemble toys for the Toy Program, we can always use an extra hand. If you have the skills for running a scroll saw, we can use your help as well. If you can help between now and Christmas, call Bob Buchanan at 348-2865 or check our website for more information.
If you want to help with donations, we are currently in need of wheels and axles to make toy vehicles. Monetary donations can be mailed to our RCWA Treasurer, Roger Bares at 834 Farlow in Rapid City, SD, 57701 or dropped off at the Our Redeemer Lutheran Church office at 910 Wood Ave in Rapid City.
the end