A toy workshop was held on Saturday Oct 31st, 2009 at the RCWA Shop at 910 Wood Ave in Rapid City from 9 am til 11 am. The workshop served as a wood/parts exchange.
Toy car blanks and animal cutouts were passed out to Harley, Lon, Grant, and Gary for sanding, routing, and axle hole drilling. Basketball game parts (bases and backboards) were received from Harley and passed on to Lon. The jig for drilling holes for the dowel in the base and backboard (SK001) was passed to Lon. Axle pegs were received from Gary. Cars needing window cutouts were passed to Bob.
Cup and ball games being made by Grant were evaluated - need to order some 3/4 inch balls to fit the current wood supply and current available tool sizes. Order was passsed on to Roger.
Wheel count was estimated for completing 125 cars currently in work - requested 500 as a minimum. Order was passsed on to Roger.
Donations for wheels was given to Roger ($100) to deposit.
The owner of Curves in Rapid City graciously offered to let us do a quilt raffle to raise money for Wheels for Toys for our Toy program in her place of business. The two donated quilts to be raffled off in December are located in the Curves on Sheridan Lake Road. The quilts are presented next to a display of some of the toys we have made (shown above), and some brochures about the toy program and the RCWA. Tell anyone who likes quilts and wants to support the toy program to go to Curves and check out the raffle.
the end