Toymakers and Toy Workshop attendess have included Kathie, Julian, Lon, Harley, Grant, Ron, Rick, Lauren, Roger, Gary, Tom, and Bob. We appreciate getting additional help from several other individuals including Gary’s wife, Trish Graves, who has been helping sew up bags for the animal cutouts. Judy Levine, Linda Deibert, and Mary Coffin have also volunteered to help with the bags. Jim from J&D Woodworks, Inc came through with another plywood sheetful of 120 basketball hoops this week to help us get closer to finishing the basketball games. And we continue to receive sanding supplies from Jeff and Celi Albrecht. Many thanks to you all!
Check out the November newsletter - THE CUTTING EDGE - for a few shots from recent workshops. Here's a link: https://sites.google.com/site/sdguildrcwa2/rcwanewsletters
Here are a few captions from the newsletter:
A beautiful October day in SD
Julian attached the cabins to the hulls of the Little Toot tugboats, a new addition this year.
Julian and Kathie are sanding puzzles and animal cutouts.
Harley is putting wheels on oldie cars.
Rick (aka WILSON) is putting axle holes in busses.
Ron (also aka WILSON) is sanding the cabins for the Little Toot tugboats.
Kathie and Ron are sanding animal puzzles.
Harley assembled busses, while Julian is preparing to drill holes for tie downs on Little Toot tugboats.
Grant is getting ready for basketball game assembly by counting available basketball game parts.
Lauren is starting on Crayon Vans by tracing them from a masonite pattern onto our recently donated redwood.
Kathie is sanding scroll sawn animal puzzles again.
Harley is drilling car windows.
Julian is cutting the holes for the new style cup and ball games.
Cup and Ball Games – Parts.
Here are some of the projects being completed this month.
Introducing a new addition to the toy line this year: LITTLE TOOT
Little Toot “stacks” prepared from 1” dowels drilled with 5/8 inch holes.
Little Toots getting final lacquer spray.
Fantastic November weather!
Basketball Hoops straight from the CNC sheet.
Basketball Game launchers rough cut
Oldie Cars getting the final lacquer spray finish.
Oldies packed and ready to go.
Animals include dinosaurs, elephants and giraffes.
The ubiquitous school busses are ready to go as well.
LITTLE TOOT tugboats ready to tug.
Crayon vans ready for crayons.
120 Basketball Hoops made on the CNC Router at J&D Woodworks, Inc. on a single sheet of ¾ inch plywood.
The hoops are removed from the sheet and ready for some minor cleanup.
Crayon Van pattern is first traced onto redwood.
Hole Marker Jig is used to locate the Crayon holes in vans.
Sanding sealer being applied to the crayon vans.
8 holes x 48 vans = 384 holes
The prototype Crayon Van was put through extensive crayon holding tests.
Crayon Vans sanded, sealed, sanded, and ready for wheels.
Crayon Vans packed and ready.
Using a mouse sander to sand the mouse puzzles.
Check out our website for numerous photos documenting this special program: http://sdguild-rcwa.blogspot.com/.
the end