Friday, October 23, 2015

Toy Workshop - 10-24-2015

Just a reminder that we will be having a Toy Workshop on Saturday from 9 to noon at the Shop at the Club Boys.  See you there!


Ken Wright rescued me today, and let us into the Shop, as I had left home without my Shop keys. Ken dropped over and unlocked the Building, the Shop, and the cabinet padlocks at 8:30 am.  Many thanks to you Ken for your kindness!

Attendees (17):  Rick, Rollie, Lauree, Grant, Bob, Kathie, Julian, Al, Lon, Gary, Ron, Harley, Frank, Ben, Danny, Bel, Ken Wright

Items received today:
  • Rick - rocking chair parts (4 x 38)
  • Bob - cradle bottoms (30)
  • Lon - sanded basketball game bases - ready for installing launchers
  • Bob - basketball game parts - hoops, backboards, bases, launchers

Tasks Today:
1.  Basketball Games: 
  • Backboards - sand edges and corners.
  • Backboard/Hoop Subassemblies - glue hoops to backboard - attach with #6 x 1 1/4" no 1 square head screws after glue is dry.
  • Bases - sand edges and corners
  • Bases - attach launchers with glue and #6 x 1 1/4" no 1 square head screws

2.  Rocking Chair Parts - need hand/mouse sanding.

3.  Cradle ends - made by Rick W - sand edges lightly.

4.  Large Oldies - install 2 1/4" wheels on vehicles.  

5.  Paddles Games - add string/ball subassemblies to paddles.

6.  Strings - cut strings to 17" for ball/string assemblies (Basketball Games/Paddle Games)
7.  Strings - cut strings to 24" for critter bags and for block bags.

8.  Batman and C-Cars - install 1 1/2" wheels on vehicles.

9.  Rocking Chairs - assemble with glue and screws. 

Items completed today - 221 wheeled vehicles and paddle games.  All items were packed and moved to storage. (10-24-2015)

Tasks to do before next workshop:

1.  Seal wheeled vehicle bodies.
2.  Cut posts for basketball games.
3.  Final spray cradles.
4.  Cut axles down to 7/8" for small oldies.
5.  Sand more rocker parts.
6.  Sand cars before sealing.
7.  Prepare/sew block bags.

Click on the link below to learn more about the Rapid City Woodworkers Association activities on the main page of the website:

the end