Sunday, August 28, 2016

RCWA Family Potluck Picnic - Aug 28, 2016

Saturday Aug27th - Family Potluck Picnic  at Bob and Kathie's - 4 pm to 8 pm

Just a reminder - you are all invited to our annual Summer Family Potluck/Picnic on Saturday Aug 27th from 3 pm to 8 pm.  We will plan to eat around 4 pm.  Bring one of your favorite salads, fruits, veggies, chips, or desserts.  Hope to see you there!  Bob and Kathie

Summer RCWA Family Potluck/Picnic/Open House
Saturday August 27th, 2016
Anytime between 3:00 pm – 8:00 pm
BBQ starts at 4 pm
Corn Hole type Games etc, all day
Bring your favorite salad, fruit, veggies, chips or dessert.

Thirty three members and friends of the Rapid City Woodworkers Association spent a beautiful day enjoying a family picnic/potluck BBQ dinner at Bob and Kathie's home on Saturday afternoon, Aug 27, 2016.  The weather couldn't have been better and the food was superb.  The corn hole games were pretty good too!

Attending today's event were Lon and Vicky, Al and Jeri, Harley and Sue, Ron, Frank, Ed and Kimber, Julian and Lois, Barbara, Linda and Larry, Ken and Ann, Darwin and Lauree, Paul and Sandy, Rollie and Norma, Grant and Mary, Danny, Rick, Jerry and Pat, Lauren and Judy, and Bob and Kathie.

Click on the link below to learn more about the Rapid City Woodworkers Association activities on the main page of the website:

the end