Friday, April 19, 2019

Scroll Saw Special Interest Group (SS SIG). 4-18-2019

The special interest group (SIG) focusing on Scroll Sawing is held at Rick Weisbeck’s shop on the third Thursday of the month.  All members are welcome to attend these “scroll saw focused” get-togethers.

Attendees (10) included:  Danny and Mary, Jerry, Keith, Ken, Rollie, Harley, Rick, Bob and Kathie.  

Activity at the April 18th gathering of the SS SIG was centered on assembling the parts for the Circus Wagon (Steve Good design) for the upcoming Woodworking Show planned for April 27th, 2019.  Other topics of discussion included individual progress being made on displays of Trucks for the Woodworking show, or Show and Tell.


For more information about the Woodworkers, click here:   RCWA