Saturday, May 22, 2021

Toy Workshop 9 (TWS2021-09) 5-22-2021

We held a Toy Making Workshop at the Club for Boys on May 22, 2021.  The temperature at 8 am was 43 degrees with dense fog everywhere.   Once again, it was too damp for sanding and routering outside.

Attending (18):  Rick, Jim, Maggie, Al,  Lon, Bob, Kathie, Dennis, Tony, Gary, Frank, Ken, Bobbe, Danny, Mary, Darwin, Lauree, and Grant


  1. Unload tools.
  2. Set up tools and work stations.
  3. Router edges of 3/4" thick critters.
  4. Cut toys and critters to shape on 3 Scroll Saws.
  5. Drill axle holes and windows in 2" thick toys.
  6. Hand-sand (final before finish spraying) hippos, rabbits, busses, locomotives, rotors for minor helicopters, rotors for standard helicopters.
  7. Toys for home shops - Several boxes of toys were taken home for work by individual members in home shops.
  8. Bob brought in about 200 finish sprayed toys ready for wheels, and about 200 toys to be handsanded after sealer was applied.
  9. Install wheels on Love Bugs (34), 
  10. Install small rotors on mini helicopters (62) and larger rotors on standard helicopters (29).
  11. Inventory, label, count, and package completed toys: 207 toys
  12. Tear down workstations;  clean up the area.
  13. Load up tools.

Photos from today:

Completed today

Rain in the Forecast


Installing Rotors on Helicopters

Installing Wheels on 2" Toys and Handsanding Toys

Inventory Process

Cutting Toys on Bandsaw

Cutting out toys using scroll saws

Setting up the Drill Press for Smoke Stack holes

Darwin  (texting break)

Cutting Critters

Trading Techniques

Modifications to Comic Helicopter

Working on Critters and 2" Toys


For more information, go to