Saturday, August 21, 2021

Sturgis Threshing Bee 8-21-2021

Attending (15):  Rick, Ken, Rollie, Danny, Mary, Kathie, Bob, Darwin, Lauree, Al, Jerry, Patsy, John, Harley, and Lon.

The RCWA toymakers set up camp in the Memorial Building at the Sturgis Threshing Bee on August 21, 2021 at 8:30 am.  The temperature was beautiful in the low 60's at the start of the day.  We enjoyed ice tea and cookies later in the day.

We brought tractors and vans for kids to color and then build into racing vehicles by adding wheels.   We brought 62 tractors cut from redwood and cedar, pre-drilled for wheels.  Additionally, we brought a box of vans (75).  Kids were given a choice of tractors or vans.  As it turns out, we gave away 62 tractors, and 75 vans, for a total of 137 toys.  We ran out of tractors (and kids) a little before 4 pm, so we loaded up and headed out.

For more information, go to