Saturday September 9th, 2017: 9 am to Noon - Toy Workshop at CFB Shop
The first day of our fall toy-making marathon!
Critters - sand flat sides and router edges with trim routers on tables
Sanding - toys with Rigid Sander
Sanding - flat sides with stationary belt sander
Routering - edges of toys with roundover bits
Sanding - toys by hand after sealed
String/Ball Assemblies - drilled holes in wooden balls (250), cut strings to length (17")
for basketball games, paddle games, and cup and ball games.
Airplane wings - sand edges
Basketball game launchers - sand and mark location of screw holes
Installing wheels on toys - five wheel presses set up
Inventory of completed toys: count/label/record/box up
Photos from today's Toy Workshop:
Toys packaged for Inventory today: 218 Subtotal to date: 1,102.
Click on the link below to learn more about the Rapid City Woodworkers Association activities
on the main page of the website: