Monday, June 12, 2023

June 2023 General Meeting 6.12.2023

Please come to our General Meeting tomorrow evening from 7 pm to 9 pm in the annex to Our Redeemer Lutheran Church at 910 Wood Ave in Rapid City, SD.  We will be going over the last details for our annual TOOL SALE coming up this weekend.  Hope to see your there.  Bob B 

PS - we will be celebrating 15 years as a group with cakes.


Russ Stueckrath brought samples of Norwegian rose mauling.  He had samples of a cutting board, flax knife, and Chicken Tine.  Using 1/8 inch bass wood and soaks in hot water and bends within 1 minute.  Russ’s wife then paints the Tine and then rose mauls over the top.  

Maggie showed a bowl she turned last week from a chuck of cherry.  Beautiful!

Maggie Brown brought a turned cherry wood bowl with a walnut oil finish. 

For more information, go to