Monday, July 10, 2023

July 2023 General Meeting 7.10.2023



Just a quick reminder that we will hold our July 2023 General Meeting of the Rapid City Woodworkers Association (RCWA) tomorrow evening July 10, 2023 at 7 pm at the annex to the Our Redeemer Lutheran Church in Rapid City, SD, at 910 Wood Avenue.  Hope to see you there!

RCWA Meeting Minutes (by Russ S.)

Date:   10 July 2023                Meeting Start:  7:00                Meeting Finish: 

Attendees:  Bob Buchanan, Kathie Buchanan, Jim Burk, Darwin Buus, Grant Coffin, Frank DiCesare, Lon Gose, Jerry Hood, Patsy Hood, Rollie Lynde, Norma Lynde, Ron Nankisel, Ken Maron, Al Oines, Ed Pike, Harley Schmadeke, Nick Spano, Russ Stueckrath, Tony Verchio, Rick Weisbeck, Rob Young


            Club members introduced two new members, Nathan Staley and Adam Rasmussen.  Nathan’s interests include carving, whittling, and Dremel carving.  Adam’s interests include scroll sawing and home projects. 

Treasurer’s Report: 

                        Checking         $4,636.64

                        Workshop        $1,033.22

                        Savings            $   331.73

                        Total                $6,001.59

            Tool sale receipts were $1,957.25 of which $1,200.60 was paid out to members yielding a profit of $756.65.  An additional donation of $20 yielded a final profit of $776.65.  Last year’s profit was $519.24.  A computer program designed by Cori Weisbeck to track sales proved to be accurate and may be used at next year’s garage sale. 

Shop Tours

            Aug 23 at Nick Spano 1-3.

Special Interest Groups


Next Scroll Saw SIG is this 20 July at Rick Weisbeck from 1:00-3:00

6704 Kimberly Drive, Blackhawk.  They will be working on tractors for the threshing bee. 


No Turning SIG in July or August. 

Threshing Bee

            Threshing Bee is set for August 19.  We will gather at the building around 8:30 and start giving out toys at 9:00.  Members and helpers bring chairs.  Jerry will bring 6.  RCWA members and helpers will get in for free.  Wear your red hat or tell the people at the gate you are with the woodworking group.  Rollie and Darwin will bring scroll saws for demonstrations. 


Little Black Hills Battles 

            Little Black Hills Battles is set for September 9 at Old Story Book Island.  Jerry has little giraffe cars made to give out.  Little Black Hills Battles is features a 5K run and is a fundraiser for pediatrics.  


Blog – go to and click on blog link. 

Family potluck is set for September 16 at 4:00 pm at Buchanan’s.  Bring a salad or desert.

Next general meeting is scheduled for September 11.  There will be no meeting in August. 

Toy program

Toy workshops are set for June 22 and August 12.  Goal is to complete 3500 toys for this year’s giveaway. 

RCWA is starting its 3rd year in the church basement.  Prior to the church, the group met at the Boy’s Club.  The church has the advantage that we are able to store wood and tools there. 

We have a toy repair program to repair broken toys.  We will now repair all toys; not only the toys we made. 


The group discussed upgrading the woodworking display cases at Dakota Star Credit Union and at the AARP office. 

Darwin is talking to Forest Products on the availability of ¾ inch wood as part of our wood recovery project. 

Show and Tell

            Rick Weisbeck showed an outdoor bench he had made.

            Grant Coffin showed pictures of relatives who had received projects that were displayed at the Spring woodworking show.

            Ed Pike showed intarsia projects he has completed; an owl, a cross, and a girl on a swing. 


(Minutes Taken by:  Russ Stueckrath)

General Meeting attendees

Show and Tell

Ed Pike - super detailed Intarsia projects

Chickens eating Corn

Gifts from Woodworking Show for Friends (From Mary C)

Rick's Stash Bench

Oven for Feeding the Animals:

Designing the Oven


Heavy Duty Outdoor Oven

 For more information, go to