Attending today (17): Mary Jo, Rollie, Ken, Al, Harley, Bob, Rick, Mary G, Don, Dennis, Jim Burk, Darwin, Lauree, John, Julian, Lon, Stu Kellogg (guest).
Activities today included packing up cup and ball games and ring toss games into ziplock bags for inventory, hand sanding of wheeled toys and blocks, routering of critter edges, hand sanding of tugboats (100) and rockers (40) and other 2" cars, drilling holes in wooden balls and attaching strings, attaching strings to basketball games with 1/8" pegs, adding 2 spoons to each basketball game for packing in boxes for delivery. A total of 98 toys were put into inventory today.
Results of this workshop:
Two boxes of toys were machine sanded and routered and are ready for sealing: crayon whales and pickups.
Four boxes of wheeled toys: Batman cars, caravans, PT cruisers, oldies, plus recovered ICU toys were hand sanded and are ready to be sprayed with final finish.
Tugboats (102) were hand-sanded and are ready to spray final finish.
Rockers (40) were hand-sanded and are ready for final finish.
Items placed in inventory (98) today:
Cup and Ball games ( 43 )
Ring Toss Games ( 32 )
Basketball games ( 23 )
Photos from today's workshop:
As of 11-5-2021, we have reached our planned goal for toys for 2021. However, there are a few remaining items that are still in-work that need to be completed for 2021:
Crayon Whales - hand-sand/spray/wheels
Caravans - trailer hitches/wheels
Shark Cars - hand-sand/wheels
Critters - sand/router - sort and bag
Tugboats - final finish
Recovered ICU items - hand-sand/wheels
Rockers - final finish
Puppy Dogs - add ears (12)
Blocks - hand-sand and bag