Saturday, November 20, 2021

Toy Workshop 24 (TWS2021-24) 11-20-2021

On Sept 4, 2021, we started our Toymaking Marathon (workshops every Saturday) on our way to meeting our goal of completing all toys by Dec 4, 2021.  Toy Making Workshops were held every Saturday from 9 am to noon at the SHOP ON WOOD AVE.

It is my pleasure to announce that we completed all toys for the 2021 Toy Program on Nov 20, 2021.  I will publish the statistics in the next newsletter.  The next workshop will be in Jan 2022.  Congratulations and thank you for all your efforts this year!

Our next big thing is the Toy Packing/Distribution Day on Dec 4, 2021 from 8 am to noon at the SHOP ON WOOD AVE.

Photos from this workshop:

Note for next time:  remember to trim each axle peg by 1/8" when installing Truck Tires on any toy.

Once again:  Our next big thing is the Toy Packing/Distribution Day on Dec 4, 2021 from 8 am to Noon at the SHOP ON WOOD AVE.

For more information, go to