Beautiful day for a workshop - temperature in the 50s, and cloudy, but with high winds predicted for 10 am! So, we set up sanders and routers outside without the tent today.
Attending today (20): Rick, Jeff, Rollie, Ken, Bel, Lyle, Harley, John, Don, Mary Jo, Mary G, Kathie, Bob, Grant, Al, Lon, Jim (guest), Julian, Dennis, Gary.
Activities today centered on finishing up the last toys before our Dec 4 Toy Program Packing and Distribution Day 2021.
Critters: sand, router, hand-sanding the last couple of boxes. Then we began to sort the 18 or so boxes of critters into sets in preparation for filling cloth bags with selected critters. Used the Book of Critter Sets 1 to 10 to guide the sorting exercises.
Hand-sanding: PT cruisers, blocks, critters, crayon whales, Batman cars, shark cars, caravans, small cars, and love bugs.
Wheels on vehicles: PT cruisers, small cars, caravans, Batman cars, Crayon whales, and shark cars and various re-covered ICU items.
Crayon whales: put 8 crayons in small bags and add to whales with rubber bands.
Puppies (12): add ears
Caravans: shape trailer tongues and add trailer hitch pegs.
Totals for today: 156 toys to inventory
Photos from today's workshop:
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