Saturday, October 23, 2010

October 2010 General Meeting of the RCWA

The presentation was an overview of a trip taken to Orange County, California, and covered an overview of the activities of the Orange County Woodworker's Association at the Orange County Fair, a summary of the daylong Orange County Scroll Saw Associaton (OCSSA) picture framing workshop, a report on the presentation at the OC Woodturner’s meeting, and a trip to see a live and in person viewing of a SAWSTOP demonstration at Denver’s Rockler. The presentation was by the RCWA president Bob Buchanan.

Also presented were new toymaking ideas including a pattern for the waddling dino, a train locomotive made from stair railing, a new version of a cup and ball game, new ideas for improving the basketball game, a mirror for young girls that can be turned on the lathe, some ideas for making a biplane, tops turned on the lathe, and new methods for assembling wheeled vehicles using a bolt chucked in a drill press. Books on toymaking (mainly old style toys) will be shared at the next woodworking monthly meeting.

the end