Thursday, June 20, 2013

Wood Recycling 6-20-2013

Larry Borg and I went on travel today to recover some wood for the Toy Program donated by a Rapid City resident.  We used all the boxes that Rollie collected for us plus some other boxes left over from some computer purchases to pack up the wood.  The wood was a pallet (approximately 3' x 3' x 4' high) of pinewood derby blanks that were slightly below spec size.  We will be unloading it all on Saturday June 22 at the RCWA Shop in Rapid City.

A little off-roading to pick up the wood from the walk-out basement patio.

Larry Borg pitched in to help fill boxes.

Water tower in the distance.

A truck load of boxes full of small pinewood derby blanks.

This month's challenge - come up with a few projects to use these super clean pine blocks.

To get to the HOME PAGE of the Rapid City Woodworking Association website, click on the link below:

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