Saturday, May 11, 2019

Toy Workshop 5-11-2019 (TWS 2019-08)

Toy Workshop:  May 11th, 2019 from 9 to noon at CFB
Temperature at game time:  40 degrees F, overcast, rainy

Attendees (20):  Tony, Lon, Danny, Jim, Ken, Darwin, Lauree, Rollie, Harold, Ed, Gloria, Julian, Bel, Paul, Harley, Mary Jo, Kathie, Bob , Frank and Jerry N.

Activities today:

     Hand Sanding after sealing:  thin fire trucks, tow-mater trucks, delivery trucks, and love bugs.  Mary Jo, Gloria, Kathie

     Installing wheels:  Julian, Paul, Harley, Bel, Lauree

     Drilling axle holes and windows:  Tony, Jim, Ken, Danny, Jerry N

     Sanding with disc sander:  puppy ears, Tony

     Bandsawing toys to shape:  Frank

     Scrollsawing toys to shape:  Ed and Darwin

Results today:

     Toys completed, packed and send to inventory: 75
          Ken transported the completed toys to Rick's Shop after the workshop.
     Total Toys in inventory to date: 195
     Lon returned a box of 100+ love bugs ready to be sealed.
     Jim Burke brought in a box of 100+ Give away vans, ready to go.

     Green 1" sander at CFB blows the GFI Breaker when turned on
     Bandsaw blade broke - and was the last one available.
     Supply shortage today - axles pegs - one box of toys remains ready for axles.  Paul has 6 bags of 1000 pegs and spray paint, so will be filling in the gap before the next workshop.

For more information about the Woodworkers, click here:   RCWA