Saturday, March 5, 2022

A Visit to OCWA Toy Work Party 3-5-2022

Anaheim Hills, CA

It was a nice cloudy day for a Toy Workshop outside in sunny Anaheim Hills, CA.  The Orange County Woodworking Association (OCWAhas been making toys since 1982.  I attended their meetings from 2000 thru 2007.  Several people from that time frame are still making toys.  But there are many new members attending as well.


After moving to SD in 2007, I have visited there workshops periodically.  But I had not attended any of their workshops since May 2015.  A lot can change in that time.  But people still really enjoy this activity and continue to attend.  Many new people (to me) are attending and many new kinds of toys are being made.  I visited with as many people as I could during this visit, and checked out all the toymaking projects in work. 

Heart boxes

Jewelry box assembly/ glue ups

Spraying Final coat

Lacquer for spraying toys 

Building Walking Ducks

Building Long Dachshunds

Illustration of the hinges used on Jewelry Box

Spraying egg roller type toys

Bus with passengers and Driver

Bus chassis

Like many toymakers, you build with donated supplies.  These were all donated to the group.  Busses were the result of this donation.

This bus was designed using a donation of a large number of wood parts.

Hippo with moving jaws

Simple Helicopter


Ducks with moving wings

Display of wooden items

The Shop - A Carriage House converted to a shop

Helicopter Rotors (Simple)

Sanding Station (Manual/Hand Sanding)

Long Dachshunds

Simple helicopter

Newer style Cradle and Vintage Basketball Game

Grasshopper Assembly

Clamp used to assemble jewelry boxes
This is a Luthier tool used to clamp frets etc.

Jewelry boxes are sprayed inside and out
Ed Smet at age 91 still makes 40 per month

Blank maple scraps from stair building are used for the jewelry boxes

Jewelry Box assembly

Tow truck

Airplanes in display case

Another work station for grasshopper build


Ed Smet makes Jewelry boxes of all kinds and sizes for his grandchildren, friends, and charity events.  He also continues to makes 40 Jewelry boxes for the toy program each month.  Ed is happy to be 91.