Sunday, July 31, 2022

Support of YFS Fundraiser/Silent Auction (8-7-2022)

Susan from YFS asked on June 24th,  2022, if we might be able to support their silent auction with a train set.  

"Youth & Family Services has our Dinner Theatre on August 7 & 8th.  This is one of our largest money making events to keep our programs up .  We were visiting in a meeting and wondered if your club would be interested (or if it’s possible) in making a train for our auction.  We have found out that play sets are amazing fund raisers for us and when we started talking about it, RC Woodworkers name came up.  I know it’s short notice and I apologize for that.  Let me know what your thoughts are."  

Susan Jorgensen, Donor and Volunteer Engagement Coordinator, Youth & Family Services

Rick decided that he could finish a train set by the auction time in August so started working up a set.  The first set (made predominantly of walnut, cherry, and oak hardwoods) was made by Rick and finished by Kathie.  (The second set (smaller and made from various softwoods) was an anonymous gift to the RCWA a couple of years ago.)

Good Job Rick and Kathie!

The trains were delivered to Plaza YFS today August 2, 2022 to Susan Jorgensen.

Thank you note from YFS:

For more information, go to