Saturday, August 26, 2023

Toy Workshop (TWS2023-14). 8.26.2023

We held our fourteenth Toy Workshop (TWS) for 2023 on Saturday August 26 2023, from 9 am to 12.  This was held at the Wood Shop at 910 Wood Ave in Rapid City.  The shop is in the basement of the annex to Our Redeemer Lutheran Church.  This was a regularly scheduled Rapid City Woodworkers Association (RCWA) workshop and held on the fourth Saturday of the month.

Attendees (18) included Lon, Al, Ed, Ken, Kathie, Bob, Grant, Darwin, Lauree, Nick, Rick, Keith  John, Rollie, Norma, Denni, Gary,  and Stu.

Today's Activities: 

Activities today included cutting toys to shape using scrollsaws.  Ed and Darwin cut out ears for puppies and dauchsunnds.  Ed shaped the noses of tugboat cabins.  Stu and crew sanded the noses smooth.  

Rollie glued smokestacks in Locomotives.  

John, Keith, and Nick put wheels on numerous toys and rotors on helicopters.  Wheeled vehicles included helicopters (48) airplanes (44) and thin wheeled vehicles (98) for a total of 190 toys to inventory.

Kathie and Norma hand sanded a large number of toys, moving them on to the spraying area at Bob's shop.  Pickups, helicopter rotors, hearts, and two boxes of mixed toys (ICU) are ready to be sealed.  Locomotives are ready to be spray finished.

Lon returned three boxes of toys all cut to shape, routered and sanded (racers, Batman racers, and jeeps)

Ken, Al, and Stu worked on toys outside - routering and sanding the edges of toys.  This included tug boat cabin parts.

Rick, Bob and Lauree expedited the flow of toys around the production line today.  This included trim cutting helicopter rotor pegs to length.

As a result of all previous activities this year with cutting and drilling, we still have a good backlog of rough sanding, routering of edges, and finish sanding left to do.   Several boxes of critters are available for cutting to shape.  So after today, there are four boxes of toys ready for finish spraying. Five boxes of toys are ready to be sealed.

Toys ready to be sprayed

Toys ready for sealing

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