Thursday, February 1, 2024

Tour of Mind Blown Glass Studio (2.1.2024)

Toni Gerlach, proprietor of Mind Blown Studio at 73 Sherman St in Deadwood, SD, invited us to a shop tour/demonstration on Feb 1, 2024.  The weather was perfect and the demonstrations were amazing.  Thanks Toni, and Nick, for inviting us, for taking time to show us your shop/lab/studio, and for giving a super presentation of the some of the techniques and tools used to make items from glass today.  Thank you for hosting, and for answering our questions today!

Nick and Toni

RCWA Members Attending(13) today:  Darwin, Lauree, Dee, Tony, Stu, Adam, Nick, Rick, Kathie, Bob, Harley, Keith, and Al

Glass in pure form before melting and adding colors.
Glass is purchased in 50 pound bags.

Photos from the tour:

The vase/bowl was immediately put in the frig to cool.

If you want to see more of the products Toni makes, go to her Facebook page and her ETSY page:

For more information, go to