Saturday, November 22, 2008

Toy Workshop - Nov 22, 2008

The 6th RCWA Toy Workshop of 2008 was held at SPLinters on Nov 22, 2008 from 9 am to noon. We are winding down the major part of our toymaking for this year. The projects we started six weeks ago are nearing completion. Several members are now starting to build and test toys for next year.

This workshop brought the completion of the car line for this year. The last seven cars were sanded in prep for sanding sealer. Thirty race cars were assembled and ready for the final finish coat of spray laquer.

Parts for basketball games were final sanded in preparation for setting up the initial low rate production line run. Twenty three basketball games were assembled by a team of five woodworkers in less than two hours. Due to some parts shortages, we were unable to complete the remaining ten games. This project was very beneficial in learning the challenges of a real production line. Everyone contributed to this project.

Plans for documenting the details of our production processes for each toy type are in the works. This blog will be the media used to record the information.

the end