Sunday, April 28, 2019

TV SPOT - 11th Annual RCWA Woodworking Show. 4-27-2019

Here's a link to a local news story (38 Seconds) covering today's woodworking show:

Woodworking show hosted at Knecht Home Center

RAPID CITY, S.D. — The Rapid City Woodworkers Association held its 11th annual show at Knecht Home Center.

There were wooden cars, vases, bowls and more. Along with that, there were live wood turning demonstrations, scroll sawing, and computer controlled routers.

Children who attended were able to get their names carved in wood and keep them. They were also able to take a wooden car and color them.

“Just want to show the different types of things that can be done with wood and let Rapid City know that there is a group out here that does that,” said association president Bob Buchanan.

The association was founded in 2008 and accepts anyone who is interested in the craft. For more information, you can visit their website. 

For more information about the Woodworkers, click here:   RCWA