Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Mini-Workshop at Rick's Shop on 9-15-2019: Tractors 🚜

Attendees:  Rick and friends Wade and Rosa from Omaha.

 Photos from today's workshop:

Results today:

9-15-2019:  112 tractors were packaged and added to the inventory.
    Toys completed, packed and sent to inventory:  112
    Total Toys in inventory to date:  885 + 112 =  997

    Cradles were sprayed, fitted with quilts, and baby dolls put in place:  15
    Toys completed, packed and sent to inventory:  15 
    Total Toys in inventory to date:  997 + 15 = 1, 012

9-20-2019  Turtle Banks were fitted with plexiglass and sent to inventory:  53
   Toys completed, packed and sent to inventory:  53
   Total Toys in inventory to date:  1,012 + 53 = 1,065

For more information about the Woodworkers, click here:   RCWA