Friday, November 11, 2022

Toy Workshop (TWS2022-23) 11.12.2022


We held our 23rd Toy Workshop (TWS) for 2022 on Saturday November 12, 2022, from 9 to noon.  This was held at the Wood Shop at 910 Wood Ave in Rapid City.  The shop is in the basement of the annex to Our Redeemer Lutheran Church.

The attendees at today's workshop (23) included Harley, John, Bob, Jerry, Patsy, Stu, Rick, Grant, Mary Jo, Nick, Rollie, Lon, Norma, Maggie Brown, Jim Burk, Ken, Russ, Al, Gary G, Frank, Tony and Don. 

Patsy and Jerry provided coffee and cookies today!

Here was the plan for the day:  TASKS FOR TOY WORKSHOP 

1.  Wheels on toys (5 boxes).

2.  Hand sand rocking chair parts.

3.  Hand sand a box of toys.

4.  Build 40 basketball games (hoops added to bases.)

5.  Add ball/strings to basketball games.(100).

6.  Add 2 spoons to each Basketball game with Rubber bands.  Pack and inventory.

7.  Finish up Caravans and bag them.

8.  Pair up jewelry boxes with tops and Rubber band together.

9.  Pack up and inventory all finished items.

Photos from today's workshop:

Summary for today:

Stats:  Toys to inventory to day:  407 total toys

                                      (included 71 Love Bugs for the Love Bug Project)

Toys in inventory to date:  2,913 (new) + 519 (leftover) = 3,432


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