Thursday, October 15, 2015

RCWA Scroll Saw SIG - Oct 15, 2015

A scroll saw special interest group (SS SIG) meeting was held tonight at Rick's Shop at 7 pm.

Attendees:  Ed Pike, Harley Schmadeke, Danny Green, Rollie Lynde, Bob Buchanan, and Rick Weisbeck.

Topics discussed: progress made on scroll scrolling earrings - thickness challenges, how to plan thin wood by attaching it to a sled, bowls made using scroll saw, best mag lights for scroll sawing, how to cut a board at 90 degrees with a handsaw,  how to cut a board at 45 degrees with a handsaw, bands that were just getting started in the 1960s, culture shock when moving to small towns, compound key chain cutting from the Scroll Saw Workshop, drilling holes with screw guided hole saws, magnetizing and de-magnetizing a screwdriver tip for various purposes, spraying methods for wheels, scroller's church key pattern (from Scroll Saw Woodworking and Crafts Magazine summer 2015), 24 patterns from Bel, Woodworking DVDs from Joan Bares.


Click on the link below to learn more about the Rapid City Woodworkers Association activities on the main page of the website:

the end