Sunday, November 22, 2015

Woodworkers Article - RCJ - Pages C1 and C6

Notice:  Checkout the article on pages C1 and C6 of the 11-22-2015 Rapid City Journal for a story about the Toy Program.  Journal Freelance Writer Jennifer Jungwirth did an excellent job in depicting the story of the Toymakers of the Rapid City Woodworkers Association.

This front page photo features the hands of Rollie Lynde - he is making toys in Oct 2015 outside the shop at the Club for Boys in Rapid City, SD.

Here's a link to the front page teaser and the entire article:

Here's a link directly to the RCJ Website for the article and pictures:


Click on the link below to learn more about the Rapid City Woodworkers Association activities on the main page of the website:

the end