Saturday, October 20, 2018

Scroll Saw SIG - Oct 18, 2018

The special interest group (SIG) focusing on Scroll Sawing is held at Rick Weisbeck’s shop on the third Thursday of the month.  All members are welcome to attend these “scroll saw focused” get-togethers.

For tonight’s meeting (10-18-2018), Rick made a rubber band pistol using patterns from the SCROLL SAW WORKSHOP web pages.  Our mission at the meeting was to figure out how to make it work.  Guest Keith Hoffman, a friend of Rollie’s, was the first to make it work.  Rick had made several pattern kits, complete with wood, so our Homework was passed out:  cut out the pistol, glue it up, and bring it back working. 

Other SS SIG customary scroll-saw related talk was also entertained. 

 Attendees included Ken, Rollie, Rick, Keith, Bob and Kathie.

For more information about the Woodworkers, click here:   RCWA