RCWA Meeting Minutes
Date: November 11, 2024 Meeting Start: 7:00 pm Meeting Finish: 8:35 pm
Attendees: Bob Buchanan, Jim Brown, Jim Burk, Grant Coffin, Jerry Hood, Patsy Hood, Stu Kellogg, Al Oines, Harly Schmadeke, Nick Spano, Tony Verchio, Rick Weisbeck
Introductions/ New Members:
Roy Erickson and Arnie Jordan have joined the Saturday group to help with Toys and are considering becoming full members of RCWA.
Treasurer’s Report:
For the October meeting RCWA received $25 in dues. Expenses included $375.76 to Bob for supplies, personalized check order of $30, and hats and utilities for church of $993.60. This gives account balances of
Checking $5,070.83
Workshop $1,556.42
Savings $ 332.03
Total $7,055.72
For November we received $50 dues, $15 for hat sales, $30.69 in donations from parts sale. $0.73 interest earned in the workshop account and $.02 on the savings account. Summary balances
Checking $5,166.52
Workshop $1,557.15
Savings $ 332.05
Total $7,055.72
Nick Spano reported that Ebay tool sales are dropping off. We will continue following the holidays. Later Nick will bring in the remainder for the club tool sale and then discard the rest.
New Web Site
Joseph Allen has been working with Bob on a new website: Rcwasd.org
Note: If you get lost, hit the "truck" at the bottom of any page. It will always bring you home.
Shop Tours
Nothing to report this month.
Special Interest Groups
Next Scroll Saw SIG is scheduled for November 21 at Rick Weisbeck’s home (6704 Kimberly Drive, Blackhawk) from 1:00-3:00 p.m.
Turning SIG is on hiatus until January.
Next general meeting will be January 11, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. Note that this is winter meeting times to accommodate road conditions.
The annual Christmas Party will be Saturday December the 14th at the Nemo fire station. Plan to start at 11:00. Feel free to bring table decorations.
Other Topics
Harley donated a Jet Belt and Disc sander to RCWA. It is now available to the group and is located in the tool room. Thank you very much!
Toy program
Next Toy Workshop will be Saturday, November 16, 2024. We will meet every Saturday until toys are completed.
Toy distribution is 7 Dec. 2024 starting at 8:30 am.
We have finished 3,051 toys. A total of 3,257 toys have been requested from 29 organizations.
Packing Day – December 7. We will need to clean up the holding room so that we have a place for the boxed toys.
Bob will have the pick lists and tally sheets for the toy packing. He will create an outgoing ship list with number of boxes going out and to whom.
Packing tape - 3 downstairs and 4 that Bob will bring.
Ken will bring two-wheel cart for transporting packed boxes.
Show and Tell
Rick brought in Santa Scroll Saw figure
Grant brought in a giant sunflower.
Jim Burk brought in some laser cuttings of military vehicles, which tie to this year’s theme for the wood show.
Minutes taken by Stu Kellogg