Monday, October 10, 2022

Prep for next TWS (week of 10.10.2022)

Today was predicted to be the warmest day of the week, so today, Kathie sealed six boxes of toys with shellac in preparation for the next step - spraying with a finish: 130 total.


New models released in 2022:

Watch for the new models!

Progress on the Turtle Banks

Hurd of turtles with final spray coat - now ready for PVC plexiglass windows.

Parts were received from New Jersey to complete our quota of locomotives for 2022.  The last sixteen locomotives were fitted with smoke stacks and sealed with polyrub.  They are now ready for wheels.

End of an era?

As the picture shows, Sam's has changed it's syrup supplier.  Mrs. Butterworth's Original Syrup (Rich and Creamy) came in the perfect size tray to fit in Xerox "paper" boxes.  The box held 4 2-packs of syrup.  We have used and enjoyed these boxes/trays for several years on the Toy making Product Line.  They now will be obsolete and impossible to find.  Mrs. Butterworth's is being  replaced by a smaller box containing 3 2-packs.

So now the quest for the next perfect size box has begun...

Stay tuned...


Inventory of basketball game parts was made this week.  Here are the results:



We will be building tugboats and finishing airplanes this weekend.

In the following weeks, we will work up basketball games, cup and ball games, and ring toss games.

  For more information, go to